Taylor Swift is the best thing to happen to the NFL

Taylor Swift is not only a superstar, but also a role model and a leader :star2: She has used her platform to speak up for social justice, equality, and human rights :fist: She has also supported the NFL in their efforts to combat racism and promote diversity :rainbow: She is the best thing to happen to NFL because she brings more attention, fans, and positivity to the sport :football: And she is the best thing to happen to Kelce because she loves him for who he is, not for his fame or money :money_with_wings: She makes him happy and inspires him to be a better person and player :100: Taylor Swift is the best thing to happen to NFL and Kelce is the best thing to happen to Taylor Swift :kissing_heart: she is going to help Kelce win the SuperBowl :100:

We swifties are so proud of U Tay Tay!